
Do you get on with people you train with?

Your choice of judo club and training partners says a lot about you, your motivations and aspirations..


Why you should train in more than one Judo club occasionally

My Judo club closed for the summer. This was a massive bummer for me since I’d only been to 5 sessions before Covid, then the club was at the mercy of Public Health England who would then determine when gym openings could take place. Even then it was a case of solo drilling. Now that […]


How to optimally position yourself in Judo

In our sport of throwing each other around, the secret ingredient is to be doing the optimal thing in the right place at the right time. It’s great to have Herculean strength but you’ll always find a stronger adversary in your travels. Let’s place the fascinating aspects of feints, misdirection and other psychological trickery aside. […]


Can a fight be won or lost in the face-off?

I’ve mentioned before that Judo is a bit of a “sudden death” combat sport where it could all end in an instant. You could step badly, be countered brilliantly, you could be lacking in concentration for just a split second. However, let’s take chance out of the equation and consider when a fight typically gets […]


A thoroughly riveting account of Judo gi shopping

Gi Number 1 Back in the 90s, when I was a young lad in college and failing at my sole task of winning women over, I took up a martial art at my university gym called Jitsu. I did this for a number of years, and had it’s plus’s and minus’s (see Bullshido’s reference to […]

Judo IQ

Can you use Chi/Qi Energy for Judo?

Ever wondered whether qi energy was at play in Judo? Say no more, your question has been answered!


Why it sucks growing old while in Judo

If we’re to be Stoic about it, each day we live we get closer to our eventual demise/death. Our bodies may have adapted over the thousands of years we’ve been in existence as a species but we don’t just “pop off” like that – if we don’t succumb to a severe illness, accident or something […]


Judo – the minority sport in the UK

Britain is not a Judo Nation by any stretch – there’s 66 million people here with roughly 47,000 registered Judo participants. It’s not a small number but compare that to France, a similar sized population but with over 600,000 participants. You could argue that Judo is not prominent enough within the early schooling system. Perhaps […]

Judo IQ Workout Ideas

Improving your Judo without actually doing it

Learn from others… Ideas to improve your Judo from the comfort of your own home. Not even a pandemic can get in the way of this! You won’t even break a sweat!

Workout Ideas

Light on your feet

Judo is ridiculously complicated. Once you figure out how to perform a judo throw (and there are over 60 of them without even getting into the bloody variations) you realise that throwing someone who’s resisting you is just not possible. Unless they’re very small or doing you a favour/massaging your ego.  So if you’re like […]